Treating Chronic Back, Hip, Leg Pain, and Depression Success Story
Chronic Back, Hip, and Leg Pain and Depressed from Sleep Deprivation.
I would like to add my name and my story to those other grateful patients who have been helped by the advice and hands of Dr. Sharon Lark. I don’t want to exaggerate the ways Dr. Sharon has helped me so I will not try to explain every detail of all my symptoms. I will attempt to express the major ones.
For 3 years I lived with chronic back, hip, and leg pain. I was getting only 2-3 hours of continuous sleep per night. Because of this situation, I was very depressed and suffered from sleep deprivation. After lying, sitting, or standing for any length of time, I would have numbing in my left leg so severe I wanted to cry and many times I did. I also had headaches and took aspirin every day. I thought my headaches were due to lack of sleep or because of my constant pain. I had all the medical tests and even endured shots into my spine. After all that, the only advice I received from the medical doctors was to take pain medication, very strong painkillers. I refused.
I then tried massage and acupuncture. That made me feel wonderful but offered no long-term pain reduction results.
A wonderful person suggested that I make an appointment with Lark Chiropractic and thank God I was listening.
Right from the beginning I felt better and within weeks my headaches were gone. I am now able to sleep longer and on my left side, which I have not been able to do for years. I have joined a gym and am able to complete the simple exercises. I still have discomfort and even some pain in my left hip and leg but I now know what to do to recover. I have purchased a cushion for my chair at work and do my wiggle exercises several times during the day. I also have one at home and would recommend them to everyone.
I am a person who needs things simple, fast, and reasonable. This, I feel is the approach of Dr. Sharon Lark. She has never told me to stop doing activities I love such as gardening. I have modified that activity and do my warm-ups before any exercises. Thank you Dr. Sharon Lark for your concerns for me and for all the help you have provided. I feel I am getting my life back.
Eva Ruiz